Archive for the ‘Advanced Data Manipulation (Toolbox #3)’ Category

Advanced Data Manipulation (Toolbox #3) / Krakatoa – Sand Erosion

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup a character that is made of eroding sand. Over time the character dissolves from the outside to the inside based on time and gray scale values. This tutorial is using the Particle Flow Toolbox #3 and Thinkbox Krakatoa. (It is recommended […]

mParticles and Advanced Data Manipulation – Peel (Toolbox#2 and #3)

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup a ripping and tearing system. This works for multiple occasions but is shown in the case of a car peeling the “old” version off to reviel the brand new model. This tutorial is using the Particle Flow Toolbox #2 and #3. […]

mParticles and Advanced Data Manipulation – Car Crash (Toolbox#2 and #3)

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup multiple systems to simulate a car crash that results in metal bending. This tutorial is using the Particle Flow Toolbox #2 and #3. (It is recommended to have caching tools like SuperMesher or XMesh). The video is 50 minutes long in […]

mParticles and Advanced Data Manipulation – Find Target (Toolbox#2 and #3)

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup a “Find Target” much like the regular PFlow operator using the Particle Flow Toolbox #2 and #3 together (the common Find Target test does not work with PhysX properly). The video is 14:30 minutes long in 1280×720 WMV format and the […]