Welcome to Volatile Training, the biggest source for mParticles and Advanced Data Manipulation tutorials for 3dsmax, use the top categories to browse by toolset. So far 51 tutorial and mini bundles are in stock! Besides new tutorials the body of work is taken from my two TurboSquid DVDs (http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/index.cfm/ID/520846). The tutorials have been optimized for […]
Archive for July, 2013
RayFire Tracer and Thinking Particles (little FumeFX)

This tutorial shows you how to setup and simulate a street crumble using the RayFire Tracer tool as well as Thinking Particles and FumeFX. Learn how to prepare fast trace maps from texture reference and how to bring all this into TP and set up a crumble system that is stackable. Set up small procedural […]