The formerly known PFlow Toolbox#3 is now integrated into 3dsmax 2014 and called “Advanced Data Manipulation”. Get up to speed and learn how to create nanomite style particle systems and then render them with Krakatoa. Push it further by combining mutiple data operators into a single data operator putting all skills together you might have […]
Archive for the ‘Krakatoa’ Category
Advanced Data Manipulation (Toolbox #3) – Nano Tech (3 Nanomite/Krakatoa tutorial bunde)

Krakatoa and mParticles (Toolbox #2) – Sand Men

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup a group of characters that are made of sand. Underlying is a Box#2 setup that will allow for breaking the sand men in chunks at a given time or event. KCMs are used to shade and dissolve the sand in variations […]
Advanced Data Manipulation (Toolbox #3) / Krakatoa – Sand Erosion

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup a character that is made of eroding sand. Over time the character dissolves from the outside to the inside based on time and gray scale values. This tutorial is using the Particle Flow Toolbox #3 and Thinkbox Krakatoa. (It is recommended […]