This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup using geometry to sculpt your explosion and velocities using the PFlow Toolbox#2 and #3 in canon. Along with that you learn how to use the new RayFire Fragmenter modifier and how to prevent “physx explosion” caused by overlapping collision shapes. (It […]
Posts Tagged ‘dirt’
mParticles and Advanced Data Manipulation – Velocity Sculpting (Toolbox#2 and #3)

mParticles (Toolbox #2) – The Drill

This tutorial shows you PFlow Simulation and PFlow advanced data manipulation. How to setup, bind and break ground layers that are then torn apart by a drill using the Particle Flow Toolbox #2. (It is recommended to have caching tools like SuperMesher or XMesh). The video is 68 minutes long in 1280×720 WMV format and […]