Get in touch! |
We are located in the wonderful city of New Orleans. If you haven't been here for Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest, New Years, the Food or the the Culture maybe you might come for business? Please feel free to contact us with your vfx needs.
Contact us:
Incendii VFX visual effects & Poly-Dimensional design services
Phone: (+1).504.460.5599
twitter: ars_incendii
Milites Incendii
If you are a freelance artist shoot us your reel and breakdown!
It doesn't matter where you are located , if you have the skills it takes, a fast pipe, and the software needed. We hire on a per project basis, spanning from a few days to a few months. You might even be contracted out of the comfort of your home office! |
Selection of companies we have been working with on-site or here :
Prime Focus VFX/Frantic Films VFX, Pixomondo Images, BLUR Studio, PSYOP, Atomic Fiction, Spy Post VFX, HydraulX, DuMonde VFX, Bayou FX, Encore Hollywood, 1stAvenueMachine/NY, IXOR 3D, Furia Digital, Turbo Squid Inc., Animationsfabrik GmbH, Black Mountain VFX, Parasol Island, Luxx Studios, Pictorion Magma Animation/Das Werk, ACHT Frankfurt, Factory VFX, SoulPix, Mackevision GmbH, CaseSight, Animaholics, editHouse/Sweden, Stoll von Gati Mediengruppe, Blowfish VFX, The White Studios, Homebase² |